Monday, March 27, 2006

The Slacker Blogs

Hey look what I'm doing, I'm blogging. My wife is so inspiring and I thought this is a far more profitable way to to waste time before my first class of Spring 06 at the UDub. I want to write more this quarter to promote yours and mine edification and help all those who read to increase in Christ-likeness.
I have been reminded lately to press on and fight for growth in my life. I have found that I have been trying to fight the spiritual fight with the wrong weapons or at least a weapon in disrepair. Joshua Harris in his book "Sex is not the problem. (Lust is)," formerly titled "Not even a Hint" that I must fight spiritual battles with the Sword of the Spirit and not with my feeble flesh and its wussy rules and regulations. So myself and my fellow small groupers (sounds like a school of fish) are getting back in the fight and again memorizing Scripture. We want to memorize specific Scriptures to fight specific battles. Right now we need to remember that our love is to ABOUND and not to be barried by selfish pride. We also need to work on our respect for others and especially those in authority over us. Keep praying for us and to all who read my blog, keep asking us how we are doing with our fight and if it affecting our love for God, causing rejoicing in Him, and actually being practiced out in our lives. In case you don't know who is in our small group it is: Nathanal Lugg, Garrett Weinberg, Zach Isreal, Joey Neilsen, Bailey Wargo, Tk and me. Love you all and my wife rocks.


Leila said...

Even though my husband has now invented two new words ("wussy," gang-slang for "what's up sissy," and "barried," what happens when you listen to too much Barry White), I LOVE HIM! Seriously, he has such a soft heart, and is broken over his sin and longs to fight more. I'm often hard-hearted and prideful; he's a great example to me in that. His passion to grow and mature is convicting and inspiring. Please keep him - all the guys - in your prayers, as purity is such a hard-fought battle.

iron girl said...

I will be praying for ya. Just to let you know, you are an amazing encouragement to me, you and Mrs.

Tony Kevin said...

It is good to see you back. Maybe I should post something on my blog.

The Resident Writer said...

I don't know you, nor you I, but I will pray for you as I do for all believers worldwide who share the same stuggles and temptations, and share this great quote from "The Valley of Vision": "The strength of Puritan character and life lay in prayer and meditation."

Andy B. said...

Thank you JenM. It is good that the Body of Christ is farther reaching than just my little nook. My wife is big into literature also and Biblical theology is awesome. If you are interested in some more blogs on that subject let me know and I will get you some links. Thanks for the prayers, we can always use it.

NeverAlone said...

Hey, finally got to reading your blog entry--who's the slacker, maybe I am.
You asked us to ask you how you're doing at memorizing scripture, how it is affecting your group in rejoicing in Him and practicing it out in your lives...since your blog, how has it been going?
I hope well! With God all things are possible...I'm glad you're leading the guys in such a good direction.
And I agree, your wife rocks.