Wednesday, May 24, 2006

War, Death, and our Humbled Hearts

I am taking a break from writing my paper on the "Zeitgeist" or spirit of the times of the Americans and the British during April 1917. If you recall this during WWI and on April 6th the US declared war on the Germany and her militaristic allies. As I am working this paper I am listening to DC Talks greatest hits and the song, "I Wish We All been Ready," and I was overcome by emotion. Now I know some of you are thinking that I am a girl, but I asked myself, "Why?" I answered that we are evil people and the world is terribly in need of God and so many of us live our daily oblivious to death, destruction, and pain. We are safe here in our little community in Snohomish county and we forget our place in this world and so stinkin' selfish.

I am so convinced that if we studied our history (the history of man) we would continually be reminded of our sinfulness and need of a Saviour. As I have the privilege to study History at fine university like UW (Go Dawgs, that is a shout out to Sara W.), I have been reminded how important studying history and learning from it is. We all need reminding that the world is not our oyster and we are not the center of the universe. The universe is not youcentric; it is Godcentric. If you think that you are the most important person in the world and your life sucks, then let me take you on a tour of the battle fronts of WWI. I will show you men who loved their countries and hated evil and for the most part submitted to their leaders without question. The fought even when it seemed hopeless and they charged a storm of bullets, they inhaled the fowl, nasty smells of death on a daily basis. They had the "privilege" to fight the worst style of warfare imaginable, trench warfare. Until the tank and the German storm troopers, there was really no way to break through the trench lines completely and exploit the the breakthrough. So all sorts attempts we made to find a way through, like gas, immense artillery bombardment, and even the old school bayonet charge. The use of gas was nasty, it blinded people, burned their skin and lungs, ate through their clothes (mustard gas), made you sneeze so you had to take off your gas masks and be hit by other types of gas, not to mention the fact that while you are worrying about the gas, the enemy machine guns are spitting out their fireflies of death, and the artillery is belching out shells of death. Every aspect of life during the war was focused on one purpose and the was surviving and winning the war; avoiding death and finding solace in victory. Almost SIX MILLION people were killed, seriously wounded, or captured during the Great War. We must remember that life under the sun is mortal and finite. We are not here to live forever and be all hunky dory about life. We are here for God's purposes and that is to praise and worship Him as our sovereign Father, King, and Creator. We are to do all things to glory and praise of God. We must trust Him and obey, and not live our life without regard to death and pain; to not live our life like this is it and we are all that matters. We don't always have to have the best and be comfortable to have joy and delight in God, we can do that while suffering through the horrible atrocities of war and persecution. We can do this and love during the most horrible times of life only because of the indominable Jesus Christ. We think the our soldiers and the soldiers of all battles gave a great sacrifice of life and blood, but none of the millions, perhaps billions of people who have died in the wars of selfish mankind have made a perfect and infinite sacrifice, only JESUS CHRIST has paid the total penalty of sin and only he has fought a truly just and holy war. He is the only conquer and victor. Only He deserves all the spoils and the territories of the enemy. Only He deserves our totally abdication and surrender. Only He deserves praise and the rights to our total obedience. God gave His one and only son to be our victorious conquer and infinite sacrifice. He is the only one worthy of focus and striving. May we remember that every second 1.6 people die and you could be next. We must not wait til it is too late to love our greatest lover and bow the knee perfect submission to His holy will. I beg you remember the truth and forget your petty selves and love God with every molecule of your body being powered by the Holy Spirit charging you soul with the truth of His Word, the greatest weapon we have, and may ask our mighty commander for daily guidance and orders. God I love you and praise you may my own words not be hypocritical and may the only serve to bring you glory.


Leila said...

Wow. Amen.

Tony Kevin said...

she's a beaut ab. good post, brother.

iron girl said...

That could only come from a history teacher. Just to let you know I was thinking " oh, he's not a girl" but then, then you said somethin about UW. I don't totally hate UW though. They did a decent job on my dads surgeries. Love ya big bro.

Leila said...

Andy thought that my lack of verbal overflowance = an unenthusiastic response to his blog. So here I am to stay that that was astoundingly, quite possibly, the most audaciously stick-it-to-you, magnificient effervesence of spiritual pontificating I have yet seen from my stupendous and flabbergastingly handsome husband.

iron girl said...

Ahhhh... Leila... that was just plain scary.

NeverAlone said...

Good way to put our silly little concerns in their properly insignificant place and pick us up and point us in the right direction. Thanks!